CIVICS is the first civic innovation map to be developed on a daily basis by citizens from across Ibero-America. It is a digital, self-mapping tool in geolocated address book format, where you can find and add all the civic innovation happening in our cities, locate their associated events and take part in them. CIVICS is the mapping tool that contains most condensed information on current civic innovation.There are thousands of citizens who are working collectively to build a more habitable, sustainable, inclusive and participatory city. Before them, others did the same thing, demanding decent housing, mud-free streets, more communal spaces and basic services.The spaces that appear on this map show the existence of a vibrant city that is often made invisible. Spaces and projects that aim to highlight the power of critical, active citizens who have created new environments of possibility, through self-management and participation.We are firmly committed to the opportunity generated by a citizen-built map as a mechanism for openness and encounter. Mapping that builds a story that is common to Ibero-American countries. A map which, by mapping, generates social impact.Help us link people to ideas and ideas that seek people who, together, create things such as [urban vegetable gardens / cycling routes / neighbourhood solidarity, etc.]If you form part of a group, initiative, association, community, etc... go The more we are, the more we all stand to gain.
Map of initiatives
Map of events
CIVICS project code of ethics and coexistence
- We do not accept initiatives that foment expressions of hate or intolerance on gender, race, ethnicity, social position, sexual or religious orientation or origin issues.
- Registration is free and enables the system to create a panel of activity organisation and the initiative subject so that they can be amended by users themselves.
What is CIVICs?
Civics is the first open source platform for self-mapping of citizen initiatives and social groups in our environments. It allows to know the citizen projects that are carrying out transformation through collective processes of empowerment (grass roots initiatives). Most of these initiatives follow 'down-up' methodologies and form a rich ecosystem of potentialities and knowledge.
Where does CIVICs develop?
Civics is developed in the Ibero-American field, but it is not exclusive, we want to connect Ibero-American initiatives with Europe, Asia, Australia and North America.
What is CIVICs for? (ecosystem)
To know the citizen innovation that social groups are practicing in our streets, neighborhoods and urban areas. It contrasts the existence of many neighborhoods within the same neighborhood. A space to show the invisibized effervescence of our environments. A place to value the power of a critical and active citizenship that enables another way of making a city through self-management and participation..
What is the CIVICs community?
The Civics community present does not differentiate between rural and urban. But to enhance an ecosystem that transcends this dichotomy. That's why when we talk about a city, we talk about that city as a concept, uniting rural initiatives with urban initiatives. The civics community is a NETWORK not isolated, but connected locally and internationally. It exchanges local knowledge, resources and knowledge.
Who and how can you use CIVICs?
Civics can be used by:
-Collectives and initiatives that want to join the platform to make their networks, knowledge and processes more flexible.
-Collectives and initiatives that want to make internal mappings of their ecosystem. This can be done by uploading the information to the civics page and downloading the result or adding.
-Researchers, of the academy or not, who want to do research on informal processes of urban transformation through citizen initiatives and collectives. -
What categories does CIVICs use?
The civic categories are the result of more than 100 workshops in 45 Ibero-American cities. Categories have been generated by a Process of Folksonomy or bottom-up categorization. Each entity has self-styled itself with a category and those that repeat have become categories. After the initial workshops, new categories have been opened at the majority request of some groups. The categories are THEETIA, AGENT, SPACE and SDG.
What data does CIVICs use?
The data used by Civics is data opened under ODBL license. These are non-personal data related to the name of the initiative, description, email, RRSS, categories, representative image and video, etc. This data is not sold, it is downloadable by any user.
How is CIVICs maintained and updated?
Civics is maintained with the efforts of a network of collaborators who understand the tool in a useful and representative enough way for it to be used. It is also updated by orders of open mapping processes. To belong to the network of collaborators you do not have to do anything special, you simply want to use the platform and do it.
How is CIVICs funded?
Civics has been funded by the contribution of entities and groups that have requested to do workshops to map their ecosystems. Providing capital to cover travel, material and displacement to each territory. It is an initiative originating in VIC (Non-Profit Cultural Association) with the encouragement of SEGIB and its Citizenship 2.0 program.
What impacts does CIVICs measure?
Civics does not perform analytical tasks under the platform. But it can serve to measure the ecosystem of social groups in our neighborhoods and cities at a quantitative level. Qualitative affections can serve to contrast that kinds of challenges and themes deploy citizen initiatives in our neighborhoods and cities.

Esaú Acosta, Mauro Gil-Fournier, Miguel Jaenicke, Ale, Javier Esquillor, Ana Espejo, Mariluz Arranz, Alejandro Zappala, Alfonso Sánchez Uzábal, Chema Blanco, David Ruíz, Carlos Salgado, David Moreno, Alejandro Martín, Julián Pérez, Adriano Belisario, Ines Gil, Héctor Sánchez, Sergio López, David González, Ailin Vera, Pascual Pérez, Bentejui Hernández y Artemi Hernández.